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Indonesian Tea


The best drinks to go down with Indonesian food are water, ice tea or juice. When you order juice, you should know that Indonesia the juice is a solution of a bit of fruit, more water and lots of sugar. If you don't like the sugar, explain the waitress that you don't want sugar (tanpa gula) or only a little sugar (sedikit gula saja). Of course there are hundreds of more exotic drinks. We don't mention coconut water, simply because we use it not so much as a drink but as an ingredient for cooking. However, most restaurants will offer es kelapa muda / degan, which is coconut milk straight out of the young (thus green) coconut, with ice and sugar.

Indonesia has a dazzling variety of local drinks, hot or cold, with or without alcohol, too many, in fact, to summarize here.One drink, like the bottled mineral water, has obtained the status of a national icon. It is bottled sweet tea, known as teh botol or teh kotak and also as teh Sosro. It is believed that a small local entrepreneur, Mr. Sosro, tried and succeeded to develop an affordable local drink as an alternative to the Cokes and Fantas. In addition to bottled tea, the same brand also produces tea bags and tea in small cartons.

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